3 Helpful Tips for a Beginners Guide to SEO

3 Helpful Tips for a Beginners Guide to SEO

3 Helpful Tips in a Beginners Guide to Better SEO

I am always looking for the White Hat SEO techniques out there that are effective and affordable. A great resource is Moz.com formally SEOMoz.org. Rand Fishkin of SEOMoz has been stressing the importance lately of using all Social Media outlets available and use proper posting techniques for effective social signals. One of the most effective forms of Page Ranking and or an increase web presence is the use of Video, Video SEO. In this post today we will be going over a beginners guide to seo. First we will start with what is trending well today and talk about basics and Video SEO.

Video SEO Tips that will help increase Conversions

Penguin-2-Matt-CuttsIn this interview below with Rand Fishkin, you hear how Rand provides a case study where he showed the top 3 spots for a related Keyword. All 3 position listings were providing the correct information for a proper conversion, but it was the 3rd potion listing that was getting the most conversions. And the 3rd place listing had a Video Snippet, a very huge and effective form of SEO is Video SEO. Rand points out, it does not matter as much anymore that you provide the player and source video file for your user. An effective form of SEO or Video SEO is using 3rd party video hosting sites like Vimeo or YouTube and embedding the Video code directly on your page. Being able to setup a proper video for 3rd party hosting or uploading a video can make all the difference of the video being seen. Make sure to use these 3 Video SEO tips when implementing proper White Hat Video SEO strategies.

3 Video SEO Tips to for a Beginners Guide to Proper SEO:

  1. Always include your Targeted Keywords with in your Video description. Make sure to match those Targeted Keywords with the Category that the Video is being uploaded into.
  2. Make sure to use Tags or Keywords when Tagging your Video that are relevant to your Website Category or Niche. Make sure your Video is getting viewed by a Relevant category so you can get the most Quality of the Conversion and not just watchers looking for a funny video
  3. Make sure your Video is informative, direct to the point and not over 2 minutes long. An average viewer will watch for 1:30 seconds before they lose their attention span.

For more information on mobile website conversions, mobile website design, WordPress expert development, search engine optimization and social media management contact Nine0Media at (858) 212-3690 or email brandyn@nine0media.com #WebConsultants #Nine0Media

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